
Friday, November 11, 2011


In reading political news one is acustomed to noticing unique but largely inconsequential things. November 11, 2011, makes the list.

It is for certain the only 11-11-11 I will live through. A few babies or very young people worldwide, might live through a second one, unless genetics science progresses to the point where procedures are developed to extend most folks longer.

That said, is enough said.

So what? So what, is about the only add-on thought of any help or analytical value - in general. I'll keep it in the post.

Have a very happy 11-11-11, everybody.

IT IS VETERANS DAY: And in Ramsey, the VA clinic Jim Deal built will be dedicated to prolonging veterans' chances of seeing another 11-11-11, and to assisting keeping them healthy and vocal.

At least the nation has not yet turned its face away from the duty owed to veterans' health.

If the politicians and bankers would become productively directed to helping to promote employment opportunities in the private sector for returning veterans these days, the sun might shine a little brighter and the birds sing with more cheer.

11-11-1620, the Mayflower Compact was signed. Wikipedia's main page every day has such "on this day" info.

I do not know if other professions have comparable online data, but the 11-11-11 mathematicians of the day are generally not of the class of Newton, Gauss, Euler, or Poincare.

That is about it. For noting 11-11-11

While dated 11-08-11 and 11-10-11, and arguably out of place here, I point out two items of interest posted at Brad Blog, here and here. Links without excerpting or editorial comment. Have a look. The Chamber of Horrors, and voting about matters of voting.