
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sometimes the Republicans on the Ramsey council amaze me. Their latest, the very studied almost hilarious front table delivery, "Governor's bonding bill," as the repeated rhetoric du jour bandied about when the Northstar agenda item was addressed during this week's Aug. 9 televised meeting. There appears to be no Republican stepping into the limelight for credit on this. WHY would that be? WHO might be preferring a very-low-profile, by NOT seizing an opportunity to take credit? WHY would that be? WHAT's to hide?

Readers feeling I caught a message not actually there, and it was not a studied and coordinated effort to speak of the Governor's bonding bill with no attribution of thanks beyond to Dayton of the other party, note that the meetings can be watched via streaming video, QCTV. This city website page notes, "Video Streaming is Now Available! Click here to be directed to QCTV's website to view previously recorded City Council meetings." The thing was previously recorded. So have a look. Form your own opinions and hypotheses. Might Landform which has received regular five-figure monthly Ramsey money, or any of its people, be able to shed light on dimensions of this curious situation?


Governor's bonding bill.
Governor's bonding bill.

__________FURTHER UPDATE____________
If not follow the money, be aware of it; this link.