
Monday, August 15, 2011

Some incredibly clear and cogent stuff at Digby/Hullabaloo.

Here for the start of it. And keep reading until your anger reaches a breaking point. In case others reach that before hitting the Screenshot keynote, here it is

- inciting generational warfare to disguise the class warfare the rich have been waging for decades against everyone else - citizens of the US of A.

Click it to enlarge and read and understand about the pure evil nastiness of it. Divisiveness mongering because it is so easy to do when circumstance puts you in front of the acolytes, to hear and believe the front person, as they've long been schooled. That Paulsen brand should not sell at all. No way - but it does. The enemies are the pandering conspirators that arrange for such an individual to have the front place in such situations. Less so, King Henry, for using what's freely given. It's his. For lack of a better word, an entitlement.