
Monday, August 15, 2011

Is Vegas taking bets on the Tim Pawlenty future? Formally out of the presidential contest [still appearing to be running for second spot on the GOP ticket], the latest suggestion is a Senate challenge against Klobuchar.

I think of Mark Kennedy being easily elected-reelected in Minnesota's Sixth Congressional District, and swamped state-wide against Klobucher.

Pawlenty was a narrow winner for Governor against Hatch.

Now what musical chairs might happen? Kennedy running again in MN 6 if Bachmann does not do an early flame-out after Iowa and the seat cannot be left vacant for when she hits the wall? A retread there?

Emmer? An OMG, Emmer for MN 6? A cold sweat possibility?

Klobuchar took the Dayton seat in the Senate, Dayton took the Gov. seat after Pawlenty, Pawlenty is mentioned to challenge Klobuchar. And where is Norm, doing what?

Recycling materials might be politically debated, but recycling politicians is a bipartisan Minnesota tradition.

I first read the Pawlenty - Senate thing as written by Gary Gross, here. In the comments at FreedomRing, there was one suggestion Pawlenty was a RINO. For that sentiment earlier this year, Andy A., here. Andy and other GOP right-wingers can be expected to close ranks when/if push comes to shove, and Pawlenty can pose more as a centrist with background noise of that kind and intensity. "Pose" being the operative word. For certain.

The suggestion of a Pawlenty run against Klobuchar is growing legs, this link.

If Pawlenty were to run for Senate it might practically remove him from Veep consideration, so seeing what he does will be interesting. I expect he would be a stronger challenge to Klobuchar than Mark Kennedy presented. He has an assailable record as Governor, Klobuchar has one as Senator, and if they are joined in battle it could get ugly. Any politician with a history does, however, have an assailable record, by virtue of having any record at all.

People from outside of Minnesota must wonder - there was Paul Wellstone, there is Michele Bachmann, what is going on. The simple fact is Bachmann's had an easy time where even Mark Kennedy was strong, the north ex-urbs west to St. Cloud. It is not progressive territory. Wellstone did surprisingly well there, all things considered, and it was a weak area for Dayton. It went strongly for Tom Emmer. TOM EMMER. That says all that needs saying.

Wellstone, given where Obama is these days, is dearly missed. If Obama had more Wellstone in him the progressive base would not feel used and discarded. The "He took us to the prom but left with someone else" feeling.

Mondale's unfortunate Presidential campaign did have the, "Where's the beef," slogan. For Obama, it is, "Where's the change?" Count your change. The man ran on hope, and then has acted hopelessly Republican. Maybe the Wellstone plane crash has had a chilling effect. Franken saying he was taking up the Wellstone mantle, that was Franken's opinion, or promise. We await that, along with awaiting change within the executive branch.