
Monday, August 22, 2011

A reader noted the Jon Stewart Daily Show video segment is on You Tube, about how media talking heads have yet to learn the two simple words "Ron'" and "Paul" and those words in sequence.

There is a permanent You Tube video posted of the segment mentioned earlier on Crabgrass, here.

It is a reminder of the moneyed media shaping perceptions of candidate viability in ways arguably against the interest of democratic voting processes in a representative republic such as we live in. The Iowa straw poll candidate a handful of votes from having the plurality victory, and not having a gun-runner for God on staff, is being ignored while the gun-runner-keeper gets big-time press.

It is curious, and the near universality of the lack of coverage of Ron Paul is troubling. Were it only Rupert Murdoch, that's one thing. That it is Comedy Central and not a TV news outlet that found the situation worth commenting means, to me, if you want news with a laugh, but real news, you know which channel to tune to.