
Saturday, August 20, 2011

RAMSEY -- Breakdown of cost info, for the Northstar stop. Thanks to Chris Anderson for emailing the info.

The following is a rough estimate of costs for the rail station project. Please note that these are just estimates at this time and thus, are subject to change:

$13.2 -14.3 million overall project cost with:
$5.0 m ROW and rail construction
$1.3 m for skyway connection to parking ramp
$6.9 m - 8.0 m station construction ( of which 25-30% soft costs)

Chris Anderson
Associate Planner/Environmental Coordinator
City of Ramsey
7550 Sunwood Dr NW
Ramsey, MN 55303

The numbers ranging so substantially proves things presently are tentative.

Funding appears assured so it will be built.

I am unaware whether it has been tendered for bidding. If so, the ranging numbers suggest bids are yet to be received, or to be presented to council with an engineering dept. recommendation of a most favorable bid.