
Friday, July 08, 2011

RAMSEY TOWN CENTER AND ITS FUTURE: An open thread for reader comment.

Basically, there are three options for the city.

1- Sit tight, cut Landform spending, wait for the market rebound, and for a developer to show interest in a bulk purchase. In the interim, Armstrong is altered in any event, as a necessary safety improvement. Hope a Northstar stop happens, but do not be over-aggressive for one unless and until the entire thing shows ridership growth.

2- Muddle along as at present, but do not get into the role of banker, for any party showing an interest in developing something at Town Center. Being proactive and reactive, but not willing to spend more beyond infrastructure, with a blind hope that the thing sooner than not will shift into a lessened amount of raw land, toward more buildings, but without any intent to attempt to "spend it to success" (whether that is possible or not).

3- Be as aggressive or more aggressive then now, in wanting to catalyze momemtum (as some say). That would mean thinking of levels of public spending being less a concern than rapidity of change.

There is a fourth way. It is one I see as sensible, along with others who have lived in Ramsey longer than I have. Call it failed since that's what it is, cut losses, dump all this "COR" stuff, and don't chase bad decision making with more of the same, in costly ways. Instead, let it stand there as an enduring monument to managed irrational exuberance: which would encompass collective public hubris, doubt of downside risk or unwillingness to consider it, and being hoaxed by landowner-developer propaganda and pretty renderings. Don't blame Nedegaard or the bankers as if it would have been golden and done already but for their flim-flam. Instead put blame where earned, i.e., blame the entire idea itself. Blame it as wrong-headed, blame it as something that never should have happened.

Readers are invited to comment in the direction of what's best for Town Center, or on anything else, Ramsey-related, or not.

Ramsey related, are people showing up anymore for that outdoor entertainment series? Moved by curiosity I want to the first one to see if big Walter was any good and to see the politicians glad-handing since it was before the last election. People were there, but all seemed curious, and Big Walter got some attention, but not much. After that - you go Hugo. I have other things to do. Is that a shared sentiment, or has someone good things to say about the stuff scheduled, and what's already played out?

At a guess I would think few if any are attending. Yet I may be wrong. And those attending might want to say it's been worthwhile and should continue.

If you live in Ward 4, what are you looking for in a council member to serve out the balance of Dave Jeffrey's term? If you live there, will you "bother to vote?" Do you see four strong candidates, or two front runners? Or only a single choice as vable?

Other things -

Who is your present favorite Ramsey council member, and why?

If you could change one thing in Ramsey, what would it be?

To you - Is traffic stress alleviation a bigger goal than Town Center growth?

What intersection in Ramsey would you like changed, how, and why?


OKAY. Beyond possible reader talking points suggested above, it is an open thread for civil discourse. Please say something if you've anything you want to say.