
Saturday, July 09, 2011

Darren Dollars, and a puff of Hot Air. City of Ramsey, we have liftoff.

Online, here and here, is the on-paper future vision-and-revision of the Nedegaard dream, at the open land of Ramsey Town Center.

Ramsey citizens: You paid for it, bought it through your council, so have a look.

That first all-you-wanted-to-know fifty page hummer, here.

Slick enough for you?

For me, slick and a half.

P3 no less. In my favorite item of the two items, it being shorter, a whif of GOP socialism is briefly experienced (aka "new roles for public entities" such as bankrolling a multi-million second position on a risky rental, although the flyer does not get into that).

The flyer does, however, get into "Public-Private Partnershep (P3)" by mentioning such a groundbreaking GOP conservative concept. The Gipper he only had privatization, so Ramsey is expanding the existing envelope (E3).

We missed the MSCA May 4 event where we might have learned detail, Darren and Heidi being keynote speakers, but there is our paid-for on-paper mission statement we can take to the bank.

But wait, we are to be the bank - Mr. Flaherty and Mr. Collins expect that of us - so it's confusing role-play, per P3. (Hey, wow, that's P4 now; how about that!)

Screenshot time -

So take pleasure in knowing, "It's more than a name change;" that it is rewriting the book! Nothing less than "Re-Envisioning the Future of Development." That's gotta mean the whole future. Of development as presently concieved.

Shanghai, Geneva, Singapore, Moscow, Berlin - all will pay heed.

Darren and Heidi say so hence it is so. I was not jiving about that puff of hot air.

So, citizens, you bought it. The brochure. Will any developers buy it? The location? At a guess, give each a few million dollars credit by taking a second lien position on all that is dragged through the door, some will willingly be dragged in to test the waters. And wow! $3.5 million in total tax revenue at total build-out, if/when, etc. You know it's true, you can read it here.

It is investing in smart development. No less. And you don't need Darren to tell you that.

"By unburdening the developable land in The COR, the project maintains a competitive basis in the project, and avoids unmanageable burdens on in-coming development."

I forget. Did I say puff of hot air?