
Wednesday, July 06, 2011

RAMSEY - FLAHERTY-&-COLLINS --- Hat tip to an anonymous comment. End of July offering date deadline. Added?

The comment is here. As a general thing, I prefer comments to include a person's identity, as a factor while moderating comments before posting. I can screen out troll stuff that way. However, with purely factual comments, helpful to readers, I post them. This comment qualifies as wholly factual. The comment links over to this online marketing item for Flaherty's Cosmopolitan ramp-wrap-rental property, in Indianapolis.

I had seen that CBRE was the marketing agent, and had posted things from the marketing display, but my recollection is that posting an end-of-July offering deadline is an addition to the marketing post since I previously viewed it. [If you have a browser utility installed with CSS blocking, you can halt the slideshow and view all images at one time, scrolling downward. However, but with some blockers, in some browsers, the hopping part of the thing is not disabled and the item hops down the display, (which clearly is counterproductive). I use Prefbar in Mozilla Firefox and it halts the hopping while blocking page styles. Others have different preferences, including IE6 without any user-friendly extension capabilities. Really].

Below is the screen capture of the part of the page mentioning an offering deadline. It is without formatting of the original, because of using the styles-blocking. (As always, click an image to enlarge it to read)

Here, for comparison, is a screenshot from the CBRE marketing post, w/o styles-blocking.

For this instance, the difference is not dramatic except on the opening slide-show. I do not know whether Microsoft's IE web browser family allows extensions to block advertisements and to eliminate styles, but if you ever see a site with light green text on a tan background and get eyestrain, especially if a small wierd font is used, blocking styles will present it with black default font, default size, on a white background. Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox each have ways to allow one to work with webpage styles-blocking and to block ads.

Please do not neglect to vote in the current sidebar poll. Already results look interesting. There are two weeks left to vote.

_____________FURTHER UPDATE____________
Per the two comments to the post, according to the person who left the earlier comment, the intent was to flag that there was a new insertion of a deadline where previously there was none. I responded, and that's the range of comments. (The indication of four comments is wrong, and caused by my error in posting my reply. I straightened out what I could, but an indication of four comments is a Blogger artifact, not how it is.) I did not moderate two other comments into the thread, and then change it. There were only two comments.