
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

To avoid confusion by too many words - bagging a Landform commission has to be a subordinate Landform concern to what's honestly best for the City.

This link, at the part about the fiduciary duty of an advisor, owed and to be expected, can be most simply stated. Darren and the Landform people, and their hunger for a Flaherty-Collins commission, must be suppressed and subordinated to serving the honest best interest in the deal of the City of Ramsey. Darren has no place pitching putting the city into a precarious second lien position.

He can tell the council of that being an option, and, if true, represent that Cronk's employer, Flaherty-Collins, will hike if the City does not assume the position, but he cannot pitch for it to happen so that his commission moves from potential to actual. That latter advocacy stance is not an agent serving the best interest of his principal with undivided loyalty.

Cronk, trying to serve two masters with conflicting interests should simply stay home in Indiana where his bosses do business. And quit any other fiction such as trying to say with a straight face that the interests do not conflict. Not when one party's loss is another's gain.

You cannot fairly coach the Packers and Vikings in the same game. It is impossible.