
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Things GOP.

Pawlenty, this Google. One interesting return on Googling = "Pawlenty," names "Perry."

Two Sixth District right-wing pundits have their say, here and here. A local loyalist and a realist it seems, loyalist saying-

The serious people who will decide the winner understand that Tim Pawlenty and Rick Perry are the true options to defeat President Obama in 2012.

[...] That said, pundits haven’t said that Mitt’s a dead man walking yet. The polls notwithstanding, Mitt’s presidential campaign ended with Romneycare. When Mitt started talking about MMGW, that set his feet in cement. When Mitt refused to back away from his MMGW statements, that set his feet in thicker cement.

Those statements might help Mitt connect with the Lindsey Graham/Susan Collins wing of the GOP but they’ll also cripple him with regards to Main Street Republicans.

At the end of the day, Rick Perry and Tim Pawlenty represent the mainstream of Republican Party/TEA Party politics.

Interestingly, Gross names Perry. You will know he's serious in that direction if/when Perry gets added to the sidebar list. If Andy has spoken the "Perry" word I missed it.

Romney, without direct use of the term, seems characterized as too RINO for the district. Or at least for its two foremost GOP pundits who both eschew the word, for now.

Reader help. What does MMGW mean. The right-wing is now talking in code.

Gross uses the term. Huh?

MMGW: animal, vegetable or mineral?