
Thursday, May 05, 2011

Republican rumblings - gambling, (other than with taxpayer wealth in land speculation, as in Ramsey), is the issue.

Block E. Reporting, e.g., here, here, here, here and here. These Pics from City Pages well-ilustrated reporting, here; with CP indicating the posted "tantalizing" visuals are renderings from the promoters' website, here.


If the GOP dominated legislature kills it at Block E, why not at the moribund Ramsey Town Center? It would be a boost to the quality there, to have a big time gambling den. And presumably Landform would be getting a bounty ["commission" some say] if Clown Center gets what Block E promoters want - competition against the tribes, and their purportedly vested lobbying interests.

Just think. Gambling cash funding a Northstar stop. Charging for gambler parking in the for now profit-free city ramp. Taxing the property and "sales" within the county. Endless good. Even added incentive to build a river bridge, so plungers [crossing the bridge, not jumping off] could satisfy their spiritual weaknesses and lusts - in Ramsey.

With that Landform tie-in, alleged gaming lobbyist Pat Anderson might have an ally in the GOP Senator on the Landform payroll [termed a "Water Resources Manager" which might for all I know mean "rainmaker"].

Endless good, if not for Block E, then for other distressed real estate dreams. Not that Ramsey would be without competition beyond the Block E brain-trust, in that dream world.

As to Republican rumblings, check very recent Andy A. postings at Residual Forces; here, here, here, and here.

Informative. From inside the tent. Follow some of Andy's links - it's worth the time.

And if Block E's loss were to be Ramsey's gain, the proposed architecture would fit in with existing RTC realty ediface realities.

Such as they are.

It is doable - Even if Ramsey would have to pop for yet another Town Center oriented firetruck, this time to accommodate even taller structures than the last special Town Center oriented purchase.

And they could dump that tacky-stupid thing, "COR," and jazz up the naming with something more enticing, akin to, "Babylon - Upriver from the Coon Rapids Dam."

Though longer, that flows from the tongue without choking, unlike "COR" where pronunciation habits always want to add the well-deserved -pse voicing to the end of it.