
Sunday, May 01, 2011

HOTB - Heart of the Beast May Day parade. Apologies for the late notice, but there's still time to attend.

Today, May Day, this link (for the route map page and to gain access to explore the HOTB website); this route map screenshot (click to enlarge and read):

Hat tip to Joel Clemmer for notice, via forwarding this news of Minnesota Health Plan advocacy and parade participation:

Come one come all and celebrate spring by...

Marching in the Powderhorn Park Mayday Parade! 

On Sunday, May 1 supporters of the Minnesota Health Plan, which is single payer universal health care in Minnesota,   will be marching together in the May Day Parade in South Minneapolis.  We would love for you to join us!

We will gather between noon and 1pm at Cedar and 25th Street. Look for the banner with the MLK quotation
'Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane.' We will march to Powderhorn Park in the 'Free Speech' section of the parade.
We will be joined by Senator John Marty, chief author of the Minnesota Health Plan

Bring good shoes and water - it is a 1.5 mile walk. 
Visit the website of Heart of the Beast for more information on this classic artistic South Minneapolis celebration of spring, and come out and march with us.

For more information call me at 612-724-3995

with love
and springtime

Elizabeth Frost

(gray highlighting added).

The MLK quote nails the truth, as much as Helmsley's paycheck and stock perks nail down the same truth from the other end, that of falsehood and high-profit exploitation of human vulnerability.

Johnny Northside should march in the free speech parade section, with a contingent from NoMi and a banner, "Johnny Northside told the truth. There was no tort because there was no defamation."

I am sure if he were there he'd have photos to post.

_____________FURTHER UPDATE____________
In the event of rain, there is a reschedule back-up plan, so click and enlarge this screenshot for info about that (upper right hand corner):

As of this posting, in the north metro burbs, it is cloudy but not raining. Around the parade area, I have no idea, but my guess is it would have to be pretty awful to call things off after all the planning and notice. Double check, per the sereenshot info. Or a call to the phone number Elizabeth Frost posted (see above) might be another "weather-wise" option.

The link for the screenshot page, to access actual facebook or twitter notice areas. is: