
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Hate mongering this past week, beyond Pastor-Drummer Bradlee Dean.

Yes, Bradlee Dean got more headlines, but a more insidious effort among those intent on using hate-mongering as a GOTV tool of the GOP next election happened, downtown, with less attention than it perhaps deserved - given it was about new-to-Jesus Newt's miracle, per Ms.Newt3, and in derogation of Mr.Newt's history of marriage being between the divorce courts, one man and one woman at a time [extramarital dalliances excepted], and how to remake the image of a stone-cold conscience-challenged opportunistic rake, without changing barbers, who've always done well by Mr.Newt.

Bachmann helping, of course.

Minnesota Family Council having its ugly hand in the rebranding. But what's expected, anyway?

Read about it here.

Ms.Newt3, has her say too, about Mr.Newt's greatness, etc. Click to enlarge, read, and puke.

Allegedly, Mr.Newt has been accepted into the Catholic Church. This Google, about Martin Luther's disdain for the sale of Papal indulgences.

This Google, is relevant. While to forgive is divine, would Minnesota Family Council be as forgiving of a Democrat?

Hardly. Party trumps all else, for those gentle people.

Reader help is needed. Please comment or send an email if you know of any single instance whatsoever, in any context, where the Minnesota Family Council hate-mongered for anybody but a Republican. I am unaware of that ever happening. IP, DFL, Socialist, Flat Earth Party, never, but the GOP - it is their favorite flavor.