
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Half way there, Andy.

At Residual Forces, it is aptly recognized that Tim Pawlenty is raising money in Minnesota, and outsourcing the cash to other places, for political advantage, and that the GOP in Minnesota is left short of cash on other fronts.

This link.

It is true.

However, how does that differ from this, which apparently is smooth and slick, bump-free, to Andy's touch:

I know. There are people who treasure consistency. And some are willing to overlook a thing here or there. Yet it is the same GOP shortfall effect whether the siphon is held by some guy named Tim, or some woman named Shelly. And, Tim gets the big plungers intending to invest in compliant politicians to own nationwide. Shelly, she gets the mom-and-pop worried-over-fetuses little money, in droves, and ships that out. I bet those little donors would prefer their cash going to the fetus-protection-league of Minnesota, first and foremost.

I like the dilution effect each of these career politicians is pushing off onto the greedy undeserving outstretched but unsatisfied hands of Minnesota Republican political operatives.

Tim, Shelly, keep up the good work so sane ones can take back the Minnesota legislature, both houses, and so Sutton has to chase a paycheck. And not pay bills. And did I say, chase a paycheck?

CAGE on its website still lists both of the Sutton spouses as on its board; but I believe one reportedly resigned; and need for a paycheck is reported by Strib as a feature of a yet larger family issue even with the other Sutton spouse confusingly reported as remaining on the CAGE board. Go figure.

You need a fresh score card, and numbers on the players' backs to keep things straight.

Half-right Andy strikes again. All over Pat Anderson for taking money to lobby for Racino; the lobbying being only a part of the objection with the remainder being that it is against the Holy Writ of the GOP platform. Something like that, see e.g. Gary Gross posting, here; and a prior Crabgrass post, here, giving links to Andy's items.

To the extent both commentators criticized Anderson's lobbying, I back them 100%. To the extent the complaint is insufficient orthodoxy in lock-step with the platform; well, I have to ask my blind eye question again about Andy, this time about Hackbarth - presuming that constructive criticism and insistence upon upholding Holy Writ GOP Platform talk begins at home as does charity, there is this Strib item, excepted where Andy, who is generally outspoken, has fallen silent:

Although there have been previous attempts to pair a new Vikings stadium with a racino -- putting slot machines at horse-racing tracks -- the latest effort appeared to be aimed at keeping both ideas alive past the Legislature's Monday adjournment. Republican leaders, who hold majorities in both the House and the Senate, dismissed the proposal, saying they remain focused on finding a way to erase the state's $5.1 billion deficit over the next three days.

The proposal was noteworthy because it was co-authored by Sen. Julie Rosen, R-Fairmont, chief Senate author of legislation to help build a new Vikings stadium. She was joined by Rep. Tom Hackbarth, R-Cedar, who said his goal was to have racino "stay in the mix" as legislators search for money to help solve the deficit and build the stadium.

"I think everybody knows that we're going to go to a special session," said Hackbarth. But "you have to have something there to start the discussion" when legislators reconvene.

Under the new proposal, racino gambling would be permitted only at Canterbury Park in Shakopee and part of the proceeds would go into a "multi-stadium revenue fund" that would help build not only a $1 billion Vikings stadium but also a new $50 million ballpark for the St. Paul Saints in downtown St. Paul. Hackbarth said that, after the two stadiums were funded, the money might be used to build other large infrastructure projects in Minnesota.

Racino proponents had earlier estimated that the expanded gambling would raise $125 million a year, but Dick Day, a former state senator-turned-lobbyist for the group Racino Now, said Friday that his organization had not pushed the latest plan.

[emphasis added]. Gunman Tom is saying nothing different than Pat Anderson said, earning castigating disapproval within her own party's big tent. Gunman Tom probably is poised to shoot down any constructive criticism, if not the critics, so that might explain there being none.

What's up?

Tony and spouse Sutton, in CAGE, Tony only resigning, and only days ago. Expansion of gambling in Minnesota opposed by the GOP platform; with gambling presumably thus positioned to remain a tribal monopoly; and the Sutton spouses having CAGE ties (and cash flow) when the platform was authored. The 8th District GOP jumping Anderson, when this comment on Gary's blog weighs in with yet another name and theory with regard to the CD8 censure effort against Anderson:

Would that be the same CD8 that has Justin Krych as Deputy Chair.

The same Justin who sits on the board of the organization bought and paid for by Minnesota Indian Gaming Association.

Wow just took me 2 seconds to see where this supposed stand came from.

When I see folks like Justin resign then maybe this will have some meaning, otherwise it needs to have the “The Message Paid for by Indian Gaming Interests”

Strangely, Andy makes a big point about Tony Sutton's CAGE resignation, as if the other spouse's situation was somehow irrelevant.

And I thought the GOP was big on family issues.

Instead, rugged individualism holds sway, cashflow wise, or whatever.

Reader help request: Am I wrong, does CAGE not pay director fees, or only insubstantial token amounts?

____________FURTHER UPDATE____________
Now I don't pretend to be big on connecting the dots, others have a better grasp of that skill than I do, but I see a link between this and this. Who exactly formulated that no new taxes AND no new revenue policy when, and why was Gunman Tom Hackbarth not informed about Racino being "new revenue."

Two dots always are easier to connect than many, where the number of possible linkages become vast quickly.

Moonlighting, thy name is GOP. But how do the outside gigs affect the day jobs? Any reader insight?

Final thought: What about Racino at Pastor Bradlee Dean's "church," and at Pastor Mac Hammond's Flying Circus, aka, prosperity gospel warehouse? They could operate it 24/7, and not only during services. And a step beyond Racino, sports betting at the new Viking Stadium, what about that? Zygi could finance a bigger share of the cost if allowed to make book. The GOP is so creative, so, I wonder why I have to invent their "next logical step" ideas for them.