
Monday, May 16, 2011

David Jeffrey resigning from the Ward 4 seat on Ramsey City Council.

Tammy Sakry reports, here, that recovery chemotherapy following pancreatic cancer surgery makes it necessary for David to take this step.

His focus now has to be on healing so he intends to resign at the next council meeting, Jeffrey said.

During his six-and-a-half years on the council, Jeffrey said he has always been a proponent of safety from getting flashing warning lights by Ramsey Elementary School, safer pathways and he was on the fire board that crafted the partnership between Ramsey and Nowthen for fire protection and training.

While he is leaving the council, Jeffrey intends to keep an eye on his fellow council members.

“I will be in the crowd to make sure you are good stewards of my money,” he said.

Jeffrey has been a voice of reason and restraint on this council, and that voice will be missed. In watching them as stewards of his money, he will see ongoing spending on Landform, something he voted and argued to rein in and reduce, with his voice not carrying the day. His voice that way will be missed as much as Judge Dehen's, who also was a Landform skeptic while on council. Jeffrey resigning leaves only Backous as the sole present Landform doubter. And Backous, so far, has not been nearly the skeptic I and John Dehen have been.

However, it is clear Dehen, Jeffrey, and Backous while each was on council, have consistently been in the minority on Landform spending issues. We can only hope that Jeffrey's elected replacement has a good head on his or her shoulders - hopefully a track record - but at least the will to not be stampeded into blindly following other lemmings over a cliff.

In fairness to Dave, I do not want to make his health problems and resignation from council little but an excuse to bash Landform a bit more - although Landform's deserving - and Sakry's reporting mentions something that to me was one of the bigger council moves showing good government during Jeffrey's time on council.

That is the replacement of signs that you had to slow to fifteen miles per hour to read as to time periods where traffic was slowed mornings and afternoons to thirty-five mph at the Ramsey Elementary School stretch of Highway 5.

The flashing lights, and the big clear sign saying go thirty-five or less when lights are flashing was so sensible that once done you wonder why it never happened as a priority during all the Gamec years in Ramsey. Dave Jeffrey was the single individual who did the most to see that the change happened, and everyone should be thankful. Beyond that, Jeffrey was one of the smarter people I have seen on council while I've lived in Ramsey, and he transferred his ability and good nature into generally good decision making.

We should all appreciate what he did, and at the same time we should hope for Dave experiencing the best, briefest, and most pain free but effective chemotherapy possible. If by the 2012 election he's recovered his health to permit it, it would be good for the public if he considered seeking another term on council. I presume that with redistricting of the wards, all but the one at-large seat decided last election, that held by Backous, would be open.

The mayor's term will be open next election, and Jeffrey would, health permitting, make an excellent mayor. Surely it is premature to speculate that way, and others might run who are equally appealing, but Jeffrey has a proven record. I like and trust Dave's judgment, even while disagreeing from time to time with some major things for which he voted.