
Sunday, January 30, 2011

RAMSEY -- Is it only me, or do others not having or wanting a facebook account find themselves shut out from a part of the town's public data.?

UPDATE: The situation highlighted below has an easy resolution, as pointed out by a comment - helpful even while rude. 

If the city changes its facebook link from:

on its homepage, to:

access by non-Facebook account holders should apply.

Facebook is for pre-pubescent teenagers and Republican politicians, as best as I can tell, and the firm's CEO, Mark Zukerberg, is what you find if lifting a horse's tail.

In short, I want nothing to do with it. However, compare these two screenshots:

It was a brain cramp for the learned seven to decide a "Facebook presence" was proper, and then the account was not set up so that the general public - outside of those electing to become Facebook members and mess with that stuff - were excluded from the public data the account holds.

I know the accounts can be configured to be open to the general public because Republican politician Matt Look has had his election account so configured and I was able to read how he mischaracterized Ramsey's socialistic land speculation, buying up the vacant acreage of Ramsey Town Center for millions, as a "success."

That is a private person, making his Facebook publicly open.

Ramsey is the pass-backwards version of that.

A public entity, making its Facebook publicly closed - open only to Facebook members.
