
Sunday, January 30, 2011

EGYPT. April 5, 2010, New Yorker.

This link. El Baradei had left the international atomic energy inspections arena. Along with Gamel Mubarak, chosen son, he was a co-focus. Five and a half pages. They retro, this link.

WaPo, Oct. 11, 2007. This link.

In February, 2009, Joe Lieberman vetted Gamel Mubarak, this link.

Gamel Mubarak is reported now in London with his mother and sister; here and here. The latter link is Iranian.

Reportedly, a private jet and many suitcases. Stuffed with cash?

Things are proceeding apace. Gee, and there were some Wikileaks cables, about Egypt.

It looks as if Tunisia cannot adopt their version of the Vegas advertising slogan, "What happens in Tunis, stays in Tunis." The photo and screenshot below is from Haaretz; this link. I might be wrong, but didn't I see that Egyptian army officer in The Matrix? Neo and Trinity cannot be far away.

For those not knowing what El Baradei looks like:
he's the one on the right - both photos