
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Landform on the march.

As I understand things, currently there is a distinction - so will it be without a difference:

Landform in Ramsey

Landform in East Bethel.

Republishing: From a May 19, 2010 Crabgrass post:

I'm from site to finish, to collect my spinich,
I'm Popeye the business man.


Stay tuned.

East Bethel "reform" might move in mysterious ways.

City council controversy in East Bethel reported by Hagen of ABC Newspapers; this link.

While not a common name but one not entirely unique either, I believe I am not mistaken, David D. Schaaf is the person around whom reporting centered, and he served in the legislature in the 1970's this screenshot relating to his last term:

This shows in part the experience offered, in lieu of formal schooling in government service and administration.

This link.

Chairing several committees on relevant matters is experience, and should fairly factor into things.

How that translates into agenda, allegiances, and such is something I cannot determine online. I believe the current business experience Schaaf claims as relevant is in real estate brokerage services. That fits with the biographical information from during his service in the Minnesota Senate.

If I am in error in this research I ask any reader with knowledge to set things straight.

___________FURTHER UPDATE____________
Latest ABC Newspapers East Bethel coverage, Hagen, Jan 22; this link.