
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Decision making to go back to the "smoke filled room," at least when decisions are being made in a bar?

If Tom Hackbarth has his way with his GOP legislative colleagues, smoking in bars would return, with this caveat:

Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 144.414, is amended by adding a subdivision to read:

Subd. 5. Restaurants and liquor establishments. Sections 144.414 to 144.417 do not prohibit smoking in a restaurant that serves alcoholic beverages, bar, or tavern if the facility meets the requirements of this subdivision. [...]

(a) Restaurants with attached bars must be separated from the bar area on all sides by continuous floor-to-ceiling walls, which are interrupted only by closable doors that are continuously closed, except when a person is actively entering or exiting the bar. Smoking shall not be permitted in the restaurant area.

(b) In order to control indoor smoke particulate in bars, an HVAC ventilation system that will exchange the indoor air every two hours must be installed

Restaurants would still be smoke free or largely so as long as the swinging door is not overly used, and the bars must ventilate so the air inside does not get so gross it would gag a maggot.

One thing I have come to believe from a rumor I learned of, from time to time there's some not irregular elected-folk unofficial meeting up at Spectator's at the strip mall at Sunfish Blvd. and Highway 10, across from the motel, so that there must have been a lot of blowing smoke, even without any presence of burning tobacco.

If there is any reader with knowlege of details, please send an email or propose a comment to the post.

I have learned of names named, but with it presently unsubstantiated by me - I've no desire to go into Spectators for any reason whatsoever - I will not name names. Again, a reader with personal knowledge - one who can name names - is invited to do so.

Indeed, a photo would be welcomed and posted on Crabgrass. Readers, help me out. Get me a photo.

Possibly a hazy and smokey photo if Hackbarth has his way, or crystal clear; either way is okay, just with individuals identifiable. It would be worth its own post.

photo credit - from City Pages' coverage of the Hackbarth bill to lift the ban.