
Friday, November 05, 2010

A new sidebar poll that speaks for itself.

Have a look. Two questions.

Express yourself. On each.

The poll closes, Christmas Eve, 8 pm.

The evidence highlighted in brown on these two images was pointed out to me as almost certainly answering that Landform has been soliciting and gaining money clients from both sides of the street. The developer's proposal documents have been identified as prepared by Landform (and others), presumably not at city expense.

That pair of images nail down that any further involvement of Landform will be paid by the Developer, whether Landform wears its "city" hat, or its conflicting "developer" hat.

The question shifts to how much relative money up to now has been paid Landform by the differing sides, who paid more most recently, and what loyalty (presuming the firm knows the word) has Landform to interests it appears to be willingly serving for cash - from both sides. What is the course of payments Landform has extracted from this developer, while also being all the time on contract to represent city interests? Only a full and public accounting can be credible to citizens under these circumstances.


How can Mayor Bob Ramsey have let this happen?

I expected more from him in advocating his election and voting for him and I am disappointed..

Bob -- What do you say?