
Friday, November 05, 2010

Citizens of Ramsey, there is an autumn screwing in the air. Kill this puppy or make the developer pay a fair share. Or send the privateers packing.






Ben, Ben Dover, the Ramsey taxpayer, stop smiling. Things this pack of idiots in city hall is doing is getting far, far, far too outrageous. Even for your high tolerance level for bending over, Ben.

Right after the recent elections. Is it a Landform-Look parting gift, on Look's way out the door? You decide.

This from the latest CORpse mischief - Planning Commission Full Agenda - go to the Ramsey website to see the entire sordid situation - by letter from staff, by agenda for the Planning Commission dog-pony show - for the Council's later pre-ordained approval - click on an image to enlarge and read:

That's right, folks, the existing Ramsey citizens - indeed citizens statewide per fractional Met Council funding - are being screwed, with parking they paid for (and are still paying for, per bond debt service and bond principal amortization) being given to developers - not given, but dedicated, so that ongoing maintenance costs are continued as being socialized while exclusive proprietary use rights are being privatized, so that everybody else pays the cost of parking for this weasel pack being the boss.

Fair play, why are you shunning Ramsey's existing taxpaying herd?

Put another more direct way:

We are being screwed.

Have been, are being, will be.

It is an outrage. Not only are Developers Crabgrass. They have a message for all of us citizens:

And the pack of Landform advised clowns at the Norman Castle, aka "Ramsey Municipal Center" are complicit. Part of the autumnal post-election event. They had that letter dated before the election, but it was held back. Interesting. The Planning Commission is being joked. They get awful done-deal garbage, to rubber stamp, or not because it does not matter because the Council will do it. Landform says, "Good deal."

The robots reply, "Good deal. Good." Then they cast their council votes.

For who, besides the Crabgrass minions now being fostered and beloved, by the city-hall clown pack?

Try this on for size:

Are these developers going to be paying full freight Met Council sewer hook-up costs?

Or will existing Ramsey taxpayers subsidize that also?

It's a screwing. Either way it is, but the question is how bad of a one is it?

My take on this - send them back to Indiana empty-handed, and stop disadvantaging the existing taxpaying citizens of Ramsey. How long can Ben Dover the Ramsey taxpayer, that two-dimensional thin-headed metal mind, keep smiling?

For background on the very last image, see the ending of this link. It's a toy clown bank representative of developers. You put money into it and it wags its tongue at you.

For outraged commentary on the entire shops-and-restaurants bait-and-switch Trojan Horse hoax, from early on to the current crop, the ongoing mendacity of it all, this link.

How much of all this is Landform's doing, I cannot say. Too much, if any at all. I expect it's the lion's share. My question that way, is Landform working both sides of the street? Getting cash flow from Ramsey, getting cash flow from this Indiana situation's money people, selling one side's best interest out to the other?

It would not surprise me. Also no surprise, nobody at City Hall seems at all inclined to pose that question and make the Landform insiders give an accounting of whether they are up and down both sides of the street.