
Friday, September 17, 2010

The privilege of the privileged, roundtabling with the amphibian.

Strib reports:

Presidential hopefuls are flocking to the North Star state -- one fundraiser at a time.

Former House speaker and possible presidential contender Newt Gingrich will be coming to Minneapolis next month for a fundraiser at a downtown hotel benefiting Minnesota Republicans.

That comes on the heels of a similar fundraiser this Monday featuring fellow rumored presidential aspirant Bobby Jindal, the governor of Louisiana. Gov. Tim Pawlenty (whose eyes are also set squarely on 2012) is a co-host of both events -- though he missed Jindal's visit because of a trade mission overseas.

The Oct. 6 Gingrich event is billed as an "exclusive roundtable discussion" at the Minneapolis Marriott. The minimum donation is $5,000 per couple.

Reps. John Kline, Michele Bachmann and Erik Paulsen are also listed as co-hosts, in addition to former Best Buy and Target CEOs Brad Anderson and Bob Ulrich.

That's Bobby "Shrink the Government to fit into a hatbox then bail out my state with billions when the capitalists' oil hits the sand" Jindal for those not knowing the man and his mantra. Wanting it both ways, here is a Jindal photo, at the Vatican:

I neglected to put a link to my post, here, about Jindal with its link over to the Brad Delong original noting how extremely two-faced Jindal has shown himself to be when he bitches over the federal government doing its duties including governing and taxing while singing the private sector as faultless; and when he later seems indignant that BP [can you say, "private sector"] messes up things in his backyard, screaming that the federal government he would beggar and has voted to beggar should somehow treat him and his state as special with billions of bailout dollars when a corporate-precipitated disaster strikes. I expect Pawlenty would be no different in whining for a federal bailout were Polymet non-ferrous mining now a reality and if it were to have precipitated some major environmental ruin via its activities during his watch. Whining certainly seems to be a big part of Pawlenty's style, more so than Emmer even.

photo from the one trick pony report, here