
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

More untelevised mischief making by City of Ramsey's HRA.

This link; for a less than informative agenda [no full agenda having referenced attachments available, to my knowledge]. This lead page:

Another consultant, Ehlers, Inc., to nurse off Ramsey, Landform perhaps not being enough. It seems a more conservative approach, if we had conservatives beyond lip service to the thought, would be to quit spending money like a drunken sailor on leave in port in Bangkok.

More: This Ehlers Inc. mention. It worries me beyond being yet one more cash sinkhole in Sandbur Center. They are bonding consultants. This website.

Ben Dover the Ramsey Taxpayer, why are you smiling, as if in expectation?

And what's that stuff on the agenda about young people wanting "green" homes on small lots? It sounds like hooey to me.

It sounds as if the planning is that is what will be offered them, like it or love it. More "Planners Know Best" rubbish. How much is enough?

Realistically Ramsey is not a desirable site as is downtown or around the University. If they had sidewalks, they'd roll them up at six pm, Coborns excepted. Anoka has all the bars catering to that age segment. Ramsey? Go figure? Amber Miller, come on now.

There is also the following item online, about people with this website.

Is this for real? Interest in "the COR"? Form your opinion. I will trust it when/if they break ground. What subsidy, TIF or otherwise do you expect? What are they anticipating? What are they representing as their plans, hopes and dreams, for "the COR"? Enjoy.

Without the Ehlers item online to give any hints of what involvement, if any, they might have, how should we connect the dots? Three dots I see are:  ridership is low, Met Council is low on SAC money and more grant stingy than ever, and Ramsey has been told "Do it Yourself" regarding a train stop for a minuscule showing of ridership not justifying a fourteen million dollar plunge.

But this is not reality this is Ramsey.

Anything can happen as Alice moves about Wonderland. I see that monster fourteen million dollar dot, I see a dot labeled "Ehlers - bonding advisor" and do the other dot details matter?

The HRA is getting restless. Like the casino gambler trying desperately to recoup something after losses, by being a plunger and not a rational economic entity.

A passing thought, hoepfully these Flaherty-Collins people won't think one restaurant is enough or that they have to handed a Gieger counter to find us a second one. Or is this more of the same old song, a focus here, a focus there, but if it is a restaurant you want go to Riverdale, go downtown. That is tiring when it seems as eternal and predictable as the tides I remember from living on the west coast.