
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

After years of urging, prodding, pushing, and egging on, Met Council has given Ramsey - - - advice.

Completely Revised and Updated, indeed! And who would you figure signed the "Your ridership sucks" letter? Batman and Robin?

No ---

It was a different dynamic duo.


Review the evidence. Below. It happened at the beginning of the year in January 2010 before anyone on any council, with or without an Aiken declaration, decided it was time to move on, and seek Dennis Berg's now-we-know-it vacated seat. Things in the winter then somehow failed to gain the attention they merit. Primary time, given circumstances, seems a good time to revisit history that we can learn from.

Starting from a 12 Jan. 2010 [untelevised] Ramsey City Council Work Session agenda, as prelude to a 26 Jan. 2010 [untelevised] Work Session:

with this in the meeting minutes:

After a wait of two weeks, there was the 26 Jan. 2010 dropping-of-the-hammer per these pages of minutes, luminaries in attendance for the event:

This we'll-hold-your-coat flavor of assurances was given after Ramsey had bought the farm, so to speak, in reliance upon - who knows, earlier Met Council assurances, what? Bought the farm for millions cash, and yet more millions in compromised tax and assessments.

But we do have this, a $340,000 Met Council grant paying six figures of this seven figure necessary improvement spending. Click to enlarge and read.

Somehow, from that metro-wide operation, the token grant seems like leaving twenty bucks on the dresser on the way out.