
Friday, May 21, 2010

Without the approval of the change, the city [Ramsey] will not have a valid comprehensive plan, said Tim Gladhill, city assistant planner.

Well my opinion is they did not have a valid one since it was written and approved. Legally valid perhaps, but not valid in the grander sense of fairness to the citizens, since it ended up with more housing than the Met. Council quota setting demanded. The idiots went and did that. Not that it was outside of their powers. They had the power. It's the judgment I dislike. I don't question the power.

The headline sentence is from ABC Newspaper reporting, this link.

The item also reported:

“We have never had a situation like this before,” said Natalie Steffen, Metropolitan Council representative for this area.

My understanding is that when Terry Hendriksen, Margaret Connolly and Jerry Zimmerman were the city council majority and Susan Anderson and Tom Gamec the minority, Terry did all he could to protect the citizens from overreaching by Met Council but then four votes were needed, a super majority, and Susan Anderson could never be moved to change her mind, make that her position.

But Ramsey went for years with the Met Council allegedly demanding concessions here and there, or at least that's what James Norman told the city council and the Met Council communication was with him so that the city council only had hearsay of where the Met Council actually stood.

But Steffen had already had her Ventura appointment to the post, so she should remember that.

Perhaps what she was saying is never before had there been a unanimous refusal of a Met Council "suggestion."

Readers if any of you have a different understanding of those times and decision making, please leave a comment explaining where you believe I might be in error.

That's when, if memory serves me correctly, Hendriksen coined the term, "Dealing with the Met Council is like arm wrestling with a ratchet."

It seems the current council is seeing a bit of that now.

The Met Council claims to defer to local intent and preference.

Go figure.