
Friday, May 21, 2010

Michele Bachmann. A special hypocrite. Socialized medicine. Farm subsidy welfare queen. No adult working job without the paycheck from the government. Campaigning on the franking privilege.

One screenshot is worth a thousand words. You can click on the image to enlarge and read.

But the article gives much further detail. Have a look, (the entire Minn. Independent [Andy Birkey] story of the Bachmann family prospering off of socialized medicine is reported here).

The latest franking privilege move, reported here.

Has she in her entire working adult life had any paycheck other than one some government's paid? If you know of any, please add a comment with detail.

Then there is the family taking farm subsidies, welfare, while not wanting poor people to have healthcare.

It is Michele Bachmann.

Wanting you to listen to what she says. Talking a talk. Walking a different path.

Somebody should see if they can research back far enough, whether any of the twenty-three foster children she brags less about these days were also troubled, needing clinic counseling.

Democrats, as good citizens, pay their taxes on time. This link. Others need a public kick-start.