
Friday, April 02, 2010

Woodbury Bulletin - An op-ed on Michele Bachmann.

This link. This excerpt. Use the link to read the entire item and comments.

Published March 31 2010
Viewpoint: Bachmann should practice what she preaches regarding entitlements
Our congresswoman, once again votes against those she represents.

By: John Shirts, Viewpoint writer, Woodbury Bulletin

Our congresswoman, once again votes against those she represents.

I watch the news daily to see what Rep. Michele Bachmann will next say that contradicts how she lives. Which foot will go in her mouth next. She is against any program that helps our citizens who have less than her, yet continues to reap the benefits of government handouts that make her life better.

She spouts vitriol about government involving itself in peoples lives, (requiring people to have health care insurance), yet says nothing about long established government requirements that we carry automobile insurance. What is the difference? She claims that this is an unconstitutional requirement for people. Where is her argument. One requirement is good, the other bad? Give me the rationale.

Her family has benefited from one of the largest government entitlements, farm subsidies, yet she votes against programs to help the indigent.

She is entitled to the best health care and pension benefits available in the country, yet she votes against the health care reform legislation that benefits seniors, people of low or moderate income, and those who are working for employers that do not provide affordable health care plans for ALL their employees. She would deny health care to millions of Americans to protect the interests of the insurance industry.

If our congressperson was truly against those big government programs she detests, she would immediately remove herself from the pension, health care, social security, salary, staff and office space that is paid for by the government and other perks we may not know about. And she would quit littering our mail boxes with her propaganda.

Wanting it both ways is the Bachmann way? It seems to be a commonly felt belief she should either shut up and quit the bullhorn complaining, or conform her conduct to her proclaimed doctrinaire complaints.

But end the straddle.

Both ways is a brand that should not sell, and a carnival barker should realize that.