
Friday, April 02, 2010

An interesting review of Michele Bachmann's most recent showing of a repeated tendency to "misspeak," (which some would call "loosely lying" about facts).

Andy Birkey at Minn. Independent, date stamped March 31, this link.

Dump Bachmann, here, here, and here for a similar "respect the truth" posting thread.

This link, for a good Hoot about Bachmann's pretenses at authoritativeness, a Hoot and a Smalley.

Ten Ways Insurance Companies Will ...; this link.

Andy Birkey, same Bachmann-facts, oil-water story; March 29, here. (Related item?)

Gary Gross, Let Freedom Ring Blog, this link, has a contrary perspective. He does favor cost containment, a position he shares with Maureen Reed who pointed out that need in an earlier St. Cloud Times Op-ed, and more recently revisited it as part of a broader picture, this link. The Crabgrass linked item that quotes the earlier Reed op-ed expressed frustration with it not endorsing either single payer or public option. Reed has since gone unequivocally on record embracing public option, indeed, characterizing herself as "the only [Sixth District] candidate who has publicly supported a public option," (italics added, see this link). My understanding of things is that Gary Gross also is aware of the need to "bend the cost curve." [See cited items, this link.] Where Gary and I disagree is his belief that private sector is better at providing coverage than public sector provision of medical care coverage - and where those who like me view it as a right and not a privilege believe the government owes providing it without profiteering. He words the viewpoints differently, but that's the gist. Again, have a look at Gary's post and comment thread.

______FURTHER UPDATE_______
More interesting Bachmann related reading by Andy Birkley at Minn Independent, here and here. Question: Has anyone seen Tea Party signs in Spanish, or bilingual? I do not expect the venue promotes it. Readers, please link to any online image you find, showing a Tea Party rally or bullhorn event that includes signage in Spanish.