
Thursday, April 01, 2010

More about taconite mining and cases of mesothelioma.

Two items, here and here. Each seems to say asbestos is the sole cause, not looking at the taconite dust itself, and its microstructure and effects in the particulate size range conparable to the airborne size range of asbestos associated with this rare cancer. One of the reports seems prone to pin the problem on work as "boilermakers" and asbestos exposure that way, vs. looking more carefully at the taconite airborne particulate. I have posted before about taconite and its use as paving aggregate, and the precationary principle regarding possibly hazardous materials, i.e., the wisdom of regarding them as problematic unless proven safe. It seems as if the officials have things backward, as if judges at a criminal's trial, innocent until proven guilty. That's foolhardy, not precautionary, with public health concern.

More to read, this link. This link.