
Thursday, April 01, 2010

John Marty - Patricia Torres Ray announced as a Governor - Lt. Governor ticket.

Read the news as the Marty campaign website homepage feature, this link.

Contribute to the campaign, this link.
[Corporate, PAC, or lobbyist money not accepted]

Ms. Torres Ray represents Senate District 62, in the Lake Hiawatha, Lake Nocomis region; this map. Her page on the legislative website is here. Please have a look. It is the quickest way I know of to get extensive info in one place when looking at anyone in either house of the Minnesota legislature (house members and districts, this link; senate members and districts, this link). The Marty campaign page on Ms. Torres Ray is this link,

It is the source of this opening screenshot [click it to enlarge and read]:

It looks like one intelligent dedicated educated public servant picking a similarly credentialed person for the step away from the governor's office. (It is not a Molnau thing, to me a cynicism expressing a lot about who Pawlenty is and wants around him.) I like the decision however it sits with others.

It's basically the quality of decision making I expected, in supporting John Marty for governor.