
Thursday, March 04, 2010

SD 18 stupidity. Mild mannered DFL candidate Hal Kimball called "dangerous guy," by one GOP rival. Sure. Kimball is as dangerous as Steve Dille.

For those not knowing Kimball, or his run for the SD 18 seat that Steve Dille held, as the Republican long term Senator from there before announcing retirement, there is this screenshot (click it to enlarge and read).

(To donate to the effort, use this link, and from there you can navigate Hal's campaign site to learn more. Donate first.)

FIRST. This link, for Eric Austin's commentary and link to a report of the statement - you can follow Austin's link for the below quote, in the reporting context,

Benoit said he supports the endorsing process. He said there is so much at stake “and my opponent, Hal Kimball, is a dangerous guy.”

And among the British some thought Gandhi was a dangerous guy while in Mississippi in the 1860's some thought the same about Lincoln. Hopefully, Kimball has no SD 18 John Wilkes Booth lurking.

I suppose this Republican thinks Kimball is dangerous for having radicalized ideas on his "Ideas" page, here, ideas such as:

Small- and medium-size businesses are the backbone of our economy.

We cannot solve the state’s budget deficit on the backs of homeowners.

It’s time to change the culture at the State Capitol.

We must focus on the next 10 years.

It’s time to listen.

Yeah, I can see how some at the far edge of the GOP could say that's pernicious stuff. Stupid is as stupid does, and if this Benoit guy wants to be stupid, who am I to stop him? After all, he's not dangerously stupid. Plain stupid is all.

But I suppose this Benoit guy also has similar "dangerous guy" thoughts for the likes of one who'd work in the legislature with a John Marty, or sponsor bills along with the likes of Tarryl Clark, especially for such controversial things as protecting the elderly from exploitative reverse mortgage abuse, this link - and note the sponsors, or wanting the government of the State to spend money in St. Cloud on civic projects, this link - again note sponsorship.

Yep, word even is that Kimball has endorsed Tarryl Clark, and that must be as dangerous as working with her to move legislation. Kimball might, gasp, even converse with John Marty ---

What next I ask you? Surely, this Benoit guy will shun the likes of that Marty pal, and all he has stood for. Surely.

What a special individual this guy Benoit must be. Perhaps confused, thinking of the HAL in the Kubrick film. Ready to show up at a debate and say, "Open the pod bay door, HAL."

Rather than going negative with bald assertions this early, it might be reassuring to the district if Benoit were promising to be as much like Steve Dille taking the high road as Kimball will likely be, once Kimball is elected to serve SD 18 in St. Paul.

Marty-Dille photo, this link.

I need to add, so the message is not unclear, if you are in SD 18 and liked Steve Dille (some did, he was in the Senate a long time) then you will like Hal. He's worked with IP people, and probably is closer to Dille than the ultra-right RINO hunters who seem to populate much of the GOP these days. Clearly, Hal is DFL and not GOP, but believe him when he says he can work with those in the Minnesota Seanate who put job accomplishment ahead of scoring "gotcha" points against "the other party." There was one comment not worth popping out of moderation, that seemed to misunderstand the whole point of the post. The point is, if you want ideology go with a RINO hunter. If you want hard work and solutions such as protection of the elderly against mortgage abuse, or other sensible things, check Kimball out, go to a debate session, be informed and don't simply vote strict party line down ticket.