
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ramsey Town Center - An eight acre lake. If it all were eighty feet under water it would be interesting. Deep down, it might be okay.

Screen shot from here. Click on it to enlarge and read.

Is the proper term, "artificial land of lakes," or is it, "land of artificial lakes?"

How about, "land of the artificial Town Center?" That seems spot on point.

It is an interesting concept, recycling rain water, possibly drawing down the river in drought times to keep an artificial eight acre level and not showing any mud flats even when drought is severe. Using the water to keep the lawn space ultra green at Town Center, (after the anticipated build-out), years into the future. When the acres and acres of "natural raw prairie" now constituting most of the site are, purportedly, to be built out into shops and restaurants.

Better late than never. Cinco de Mayo, 2010, the first Town Center restaurant is slated to open. Acapulco will branch to Town Center. Celebrate the revolution while celebrating the first restaurant opening.

May there be more, and good ones.

I believe the effort to recycle rain water, and to have a big pond as a focal point in the Town Center is an improvement over earlier thought and designs. It is facing a lemon and trying to make lemonade.