
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

RAMSEY - Is the present council doing what's best with what they were left with, from prior decisions and conflicted interests in Ramsey at the table?

The question has to be kept in mind all the time.

The mess was not made by the new guys. They were handed a mop, to mop-up.

The conflict of interests situations led to an ill-advised "Town Centre" thing where land profits were early and real but much else was speculative and delayed.

And the conflict of interests led to an ill-advised leapfrog expansion of sewer and water up Highway 5, where in retrospect even ones who pushed the idea might feel differently. Again some land profits were early and real.

What's best? Is redesigning the earlier Town Center plan proper? It is being done and it probably will yield a balance of the project better than the start of it. Saying that is, realistically, faint praise. But the present council is trying.

Things are better with plans afoot to make the city website better. And may it be kept current with the big news featured and the little items accessible but not featured. Simple things. Not rocket science.

But what a mess to have to mop up. Some said so earlier and were called negative thinkers, with the term used derisively. Chickens came home to roost. It's nobody's idea of a good situation, and even in being critical I understand the new administration and new council are faced with tasks. Pushing the big rock up the long hill.

As part of doing what's feasible, and assuring info is out, I have received today this email from Mayor Ramsey, indicating several things, including a planned skyway from the station to the parking ramp, something I had missed in looking at plans. He quite fairly discusses from memory impressions of uncertainties involved:

Hi Eric,
Just an update. We just got word that the estimated cost of construction for the train stop is 6.73 million plus $800,000 for the skyway to connect the stop to the ramp. The other cost needs to be negotiated with BNSF for the right-of-way to stop. That cost was projected to be 7.5 mil. I have always disputed this cost, thought it was high. I believe all said and done that will be around 2.5 mil.

That leaves the cost around 10 mil.

Possible funding sources:
Fed. 3mil We have asked for 4.4 mil
State 3mil We have asked for 4.3 mil
CTIB 3.3mil We have been told we should be able to get 3.3 mil
Anoka county rail authority. 2.5 mil

Just some notes from memory.


It is an inexact process, early, but numbers are needed on at least a best guess level, as Bob Ramsey's provided. It fits with what Rep. Jim Abeler had earlier emailed, as given in an earlier post.

_________FURTHER UPDATE__________
In the interest of saying things properly, the first sentence of the fourth paragraph of the post, on reflection, should read, "And the conflict of interests led to an ill-advised leapfrog expansion of sewer and water up Highway 5, (with that funky detour over to Variolite to service gun club chain of title greed), where in retrospect even ones who pushed the idea might feel differently."