
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Foreclosure news in Minnesota. A glass half full. Half empty.

A Google alert set for "Anoka County" led to this Realty Trac online post. This quote, from the middle of the item.

Minnesota ranked 26th in the country in total foreclosures reported for the month. With one in every 829 housing units receiving a foreclosure filing, its foreclosure rate ranked 29th among the 50 states.

Goodhue County posts top foreclosure rate in the state for January

Goodhue County posted the state’s highest county foreclosure rate in January, with one in every 242 housing units receiving a foreclosure filing — 1.7 times the national average and 3.4 times the state average. Ramsey County was second, with one in every 393 housing units receiving a foreclosure filing — 2.1 times the state average. Anoka County came in third highest, with one in every 444 housing units receiving a foreclosure filing — 1.9 times the state average. Dakota County posted the fourth highest rate, where one in every 446 housing units received a foreclosure filing during the month — 1.9 times the state average. Wright County documented the fifth highest foreclosure rate, where one in every 558 housing units received a foreclosure filing during the — 1.5 times the state average month.

In the past other parts of MN 6 had higher than statewide average rates of foreclosure. This time Anoka County is in third place. The incumbent in Congress from MN 6 must expect to help people in my county out by going to speak in Cincinnati. Bless her. May she have all the speaking time imaginable after the new year comes in and a DFL person holds that seat in Congress. I promise, I would even go to hear as much as I could stomach of one of her speeches, if she is speaking next year as former Congressperson. Probably four to six minutes, then exit since any more than that might cause permanent brain damage - look at her core supporters after all, something's happened.

Michele Bachmann has drawn strong vote numbers from Wright County. The posted quote indicates foreclosure and housing suffering in Wright County is ahead of statewide averages. Anoka County has struggled with funding homelessnes prevention effort, this link. Strib earlier ran a three part focal series on housing difficulties in Wright County, here, here and here. What help, to anyone, has Michele Bachmann been? Either you are part of a solution, or part of the problem. Things took eight years of Bush-Cheney-Coleman-Mark Kennedy-Michele Bachmann to get as bad as they are. With more of Obama in the White House, and Reed or Clark in Congress, we can hope things get better.

More Bachmann, more problem. Change, or take more of the same. It's been hard, and more of the same will NOT be any easier on the district economy and on district homeowners.

Wise up, folks in Wright and Sherburne County. The Michele Bachmann, Mark Olson, Mary Kiffmeyer crowd certainly has not been much help to anyone.

___________FURTHER UPDATE__________
SHERBURNE COUNTY: More of a glass half full, or half empty; Elk River Star News, this link, this brief excerpt:

Lindberg, of Keller Williams Realty in Elk River, believes several things are at work in reducing the number of homes on the market. They include:

•Some traditional sellers are waiting to put their homes up for sale.

•Some people owe more than they can sell their property for today.

•Some are reluctant to sell now, knowing that their home was worth more a few years ago.

Lindberg believes home prices in Elk River probably peaked in 2006. While situations vary and there are exceptions, he said homes are typically selling for 60 to 80 percent of what they were worth at the peak.

Meanwhile, he said he’s seen fewer foreclosed or bank-owned homes coming on the market in recent months.

Annie Deckert, economic development assistant at the city of Elk River, said the smaller number of new listings is supported by the city’s foreclosure tracking numbers, which indicate that there were fewer foreclosures in Elk River in 2009 than in 2008.

Recall, when the neighbor loses a job and has the home foreclosed, it is a somewhat serious recession. When you lose a job and get foreclosed, it is the worse depression since the 1930's.

So, hey, be more neighborly, eh? Except, if you live in Wright or Sherburne County, with that home value drop to 60 - 80% of 2006 levels, and you still support Michele Bachmann, you deserve to be jobless and foreclosed. It's that vision thing; and having none and supporting Bachmann.