
Friday, January 08, 2010

Paul Thissen - Another very promising DFL candidate for governor. Also, the earliest official entrant in the race.

Some believe the current state of the Minnesota and national economy is the largest issue facing public official decision making in 2010. Hence, from the Thissen website, his Issues section, the above excerpted screenshot on the economy.

This link for the Thissen home page. This link for Thissen's presentation of his position on issues. His issues statements carryover, the section on "the economy" is more recent, from an earlier set of issue statements; the next screenshot excerpt:

Screenshots are meant to give brief info. Please go to the Thissen website and study its many features and its content. It is a well done effort.

To contribute: With contributions being essential to any serious campaign for governor, for anyone wanting to contribute to the Thissen for Governor campaign; this link.

Some may remember that Crabgrass noted that Thissen was the first officially declared candidate with Crabgrass reporting on his landing "running" with a first rate webpage from the start; this link; and this later item when Thissen and Bakk were the only two official candidates. Thissen has been active in covering areas of the state more than once, and in meeting people and raising funds. I wish I had all he's so far had to spend on travel, in my own little account, because I am certain it would be a tidy sum. His dedication and diligence to getting his message out, and meeting people throughout the State, has been outstanding.