
Friday, January 08, 2010

John Marty - compassionate and fair health care - make it like fire protection where you do not buy firefighting coverage from high-profit firms.

And there is more refreshing and committed detail, the screenshot below being from the Marty campaign site; this link [as always click on it to enlarge it and read].

Every reader of Crabgrass is urged to read the extended and carefully prepared issue statements that the Marty campaign posts - this link. Marty presents what he stands for as no mystery, he does not make it that, nor does he couch positions in emotion-laden words designed to inflame passions and divisive feelings or thoughts [see following post for one who operates that counterproductive way]. Here is an edited screenshot of that opening Marty - issues page.

Anyone familiar with John Marty's years in office knows the essential points, as noted in the screenshot directly above from his "ISSUES" page, where the text lists the basic points and the sidebar gives you an issue-by-issue opportunity to know exactly what the man believes and will work tirelessly to achieve. He is a good person, and a good choice for Minnesota's next governor.

To contribute to the John Marty campaign for Governor - go to this link. But if you are a PAC donor or a registered lobbyist don't bother, John Marty as a matter of principle, integrity and honor, will not take such cash.