
Monday, January 18, 2010

Is Norm really out of things, or is he leaving a door partly ajar for a groundswell "Draft Norm" thing?

Read the statement which is less terse than a simple Sherman statement, Strib online, here.

Does it truly mean that Jesse Ventura does not need, for now, to come out of retirement to again derail this fellow's Governorship ambitions?

Read the statement that Strib published verbatim, and have a look at the [I expect universal] GOP reaction Gary Gross has posted on his Let Freedom Ring blog, here - and read the comments there if you care for my qualified reading of what Norm's saying, for now.

I recall Nixon after the Kennedy win saying, "You won't have Dick Nixon to kick around any more."

Might that only have proven true and honest.

I view Norm Coleman being quite the Dick Nixon version of GOP banner carriers, and I wonder and worry.