
Monday, January 18, 2010

The GOP dug up a Mitt Romney clone to run against Coakley.

It looks as if Romney is swearing in a mirror. Or he lent Brown a suit and sent him to his hair stylist to have the image finalized.

[photo link, here]

More on the opening link and suspicions about the GOP; this link.

And then there is polling, where reliability and lack of bias are as hypothetical as the possibility Romney's been cloned; this link.

I suppose in Minnesota we can regard ourselves as lucky in that neither Franken nor Coleman in our last dust-up would be viewed as any clone of anyone, each being undeniably unique. And of course, ALL of our polls here ARE reliable. - Um... make that SOME and MIGHT BE. Is "poll" another word for "guess"?

My understanding is that in Massachusetts if there's half a percentage point difference in vote totals there can be an automatic recount. As if they cloned Minnesota law. Favorite comment in all the hype and agonizing, from a pollster and quoted in the linked item:

Pollsters love to argue, in any race, about which methods best determine who is likely to vote. An added concern this time around is how to fix on likely voters in a rare special election held in midwinter.

“No one really knows anything about the electorate that is going to show up,’’ Blumenthal said. “We don’t have any experience with special elections held in Massachusetts in early January.’’

In the last week, one poll showed Coakley, the Democrat, leading Brown, the Republican, by 14 points.

But that poll was conducted by a longtime Democratic pollster, Mark Mellman.

Another poll showed Coakley trailing Brown by 15 points, but was conducted by Pajamas Media, a conservative website with ties to Republican consultants.

The entire article is a good read, especially among skeptics.

_______FURTHER UPDATE________
The most frightening thing, could they clone Pawlenty?



Glen Beck?


Get me a barf bag.

........this link