
Saturday, January 16, 2010

GOP governor candidate Tom Emmer publishes staff names.

This link. This opening screenshot.

There is a distinct Michele Bachmann flavor in the bio statements - the one in the screenshot and the ones you will have to read at the excerpted link.

Does any reader know, were some of these people picked up from the Pat Anderson transition from running for Governor to Running against Becky Otto? Or did all the Anderson staff people just transition from one contest to the other, along with their guru herself?

Also, there is this in the report:

Ben Harper, Finance Director
Ben previously worked for Congresswoman Michele Bachmann on her congressional staff and as a fundraiser for her successful reelection campaign. Ben is overseeing all fundraising efforts including direct mail and major donors.

Does any reader know, is this former Bachmann fundraiser relocating related to or independent of the report, here?