
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Andy Aplikowski has an interesting post about Haiti. Now if he would only also denounce Pat Robertson.

I think Triple A would say Robertson's blown almost all credibility of late. Perhaps. Perhaps not. Judging by his rant, I expect he would not see Pat Robertson as any part of any honest solution. Triple A's rant, the gist of it, this link; is entirely correct, as far as it goes, in my view of what he says and how I feel:

Man I wish we had real journalists out there to ask these 2 bozos some real questions.

Mr. President, Do you mean to say that deforestation caused this Earthquake?

Mr. President, Are you saying that clean energy would have prevented this disaster?

Mr. Glover, Are you suggesting that the Earth took revenge on Haiti because Copenhagen failed? Do you really think the Earth knows what actually happened there.

I am sure there is more out there from liberal elitist snobs, but these are just a couple I spotted while scanning the intertubes.

Look, Haiti is going to be a mess. It was destined to be a mess. When poorly built buildings are hit with an earthquake, well, you can see what happens. This also happened in Iran too recently, right? Unless those people move away from these sorts of areaa, or build better buildings, it is a ticking timebomb. If they can’t afford better buildings, well.

I call on the followers of the Cult of Global Warming to take a break for a month or so. Shut up, lend a hand, or just jump in your Gulfstreams and find a party to go wild at. Maybe you can find someone to cheat on your spouse with some more. I really don’;t care what you do so long as you don’t try to politicize this moment.

The people of Haiti actually need real help, and not the mandated poverty crap you are used to spewing in your Tuxedos and designer gowns. Things are life and death down there, so if you wouldn’t mind, shut the frack up.

Unless, of course, someone is going to stand up and say the reason it is so bad in Haiti is because the World Community and the UN let this country under their nose live in squalor and terrible conditions, the politics must stop. If we want to focus the politics on the corruption and skimming off the top of aid that was supposed to help Haiti pre-quake, then let’s do that. If we want to talk about celebrities and egomaniac politicians who think press conferences and multimillion dollar conferences with Prostitutes at every turn – are actual solutions when in fact they are shell games and wastes of aid money……

But please don’t pollute the already dismal conditions and compassion and sentiment toward the victims by manufacturing blame and even worse, spewing that cult crap while you’re in the spotlights again for your narrowminded political gains and hefty profits from the ponzi scheme you invested heavily in. And more importantly, don’t handicap that nations hour of desperation with Green Mandates.

They need clean water, sanitation, rescue, plus some where and way to cart the dead away – And all of that yesterday. They don’t need Sierra Club lawyers or UN scientists studying the carbon footprint of the operation. Or Environmental impact studies on the aid stations and disaster relief operations.

So shut up, please shut up. This is not about you Hollywood. Mr. Clinton, this is not about you. This is about people in need. Pass the hat amongst your multi-millionaire friends. Load up the limos and gulfstreams with food and money and actually help. No more documentaries. No more reality drama crap. This is the time to actually help.

This is not a time for politics, from any side. this is a time where the people who claim to be all powerful and all compassionate, to shut up and get to work, and to inspire others to help. Don’t you dare cast blame now. And doing so simply makes you look worried that the oversight that was over looked is something you don’t want people to think about after it all came crumbling down.

Find ways for people to offer aid, comfort, and support in the now. Save the Haiti 2.0 discussion for your elite cocktail parties. And for God’s sake, don’t blame this on God.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

The problem on his side of the fence, he probably missed reading it, that weary old one-barking-style-superstupid-only carryover from less informed times, Robertson, has his online views about how the Haitian situation should not be "politicized," or if "politicized," how it should properly be done from his Inquisitional background and perspective of the entire world and its enlightened and its darker historical moments:

On his Christian Broadcasting Network show yesterday, Rev. Pat Robertson said that the nation of Haiti has been devastated by a large earthquake because its people "made a pact with the devil."

"Something happened a long time ago in Haiti, and people might not want to talk about it," Robertson said. "They were under the heel of the French ... and they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said, 'We will serve you if you'll get us free from the French.'"

"True story," he continued. "And the devil said, 'OK, it's a deal.' Ever since, they have been cursed by one thing after another."

Robertson is infamous for such inflammatory statements. And not surprisingly, the reaction to the controversial pastor's comments has been harsh.

"It never ceases to amaze that in times of amazing human suffering somebody says something that could be so utterly stupid," White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said at his daily press briefing today.

Well, politicizing things one way or the other when disaster struck an impoverished and deplenished nation - I agree that is wrong. Will the denunciations from the right reflect the full spectrum of loathing any improper politization merits?

We wait. We see.

NOTE: This is not bashing Triple-A, not over this, and in the photo cut, I included the part of the banner as on his site showing, in my view, that his priorities are not at all bad despite his having differing policy views on many things. Again, I think he would expand his criticism of politicizing an authentic disaster to be more inclusive in the direction I suggest.

Andy's point, this page, jump Robertson for his comments ask that the right-wingers denounce it too, but don't say Bachmann, using the venue for political advantage in the past must somehow be attached to the Haiti comments. Give her the opportunity to distance herself. It would be like saying Al Gore must agree with what Lieberman's done to stymie healthcare reform because he picked him as VP on the ticket. It would astound me greatly if Al Gore did not wish he had that call back to do over.

I would hope Andy and Bachmann each clearly separates himself, herself, from Robertson's conduct and comments, then we move on. The Asian tidal wave devastation was not politicized.