
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Chester Coborn must have been attentive to earning customer loyalty and keeping it. May the legacy continue, and the care be there.

Too big to care? Too officious to listen to what would make a customer happy, and do all reasonable things to make someone happy? That is not what the story of Chester Coborn in the 1920's suggests he'd have wanted as his legacy. Screenshot from the Coborn's website, history page; as always click it to enlarge and read.

One imagines a "Golden Rule," as guidance, more than slogan, and expects a lot in terms of adaptability and good will. And as the screenshot says,

Coborn's Golden Rule is

“Treat all with dignity and respect.” We make it our goal to “Be The Best” in every market we serve. This focus on customer service, freshness, value and community involvement is the cornerstone of Coborn's, Inc.'s success story!

Now that truly conveys a range of expectations, of causes to feel good about Coborn's.

I left the post incomplete because the family was working out an accommodation on a need to have a particular Coborn's corporate policy discretionarily adjusted to help us out. It's done, we are happy, and I should note that several times in the past, here, here and here, I have posted about the promise and good will of having a Bank of Elk River branch in the store in Ramsey, without posting about the store in Ramsey.

We've shopped to a greater or lesser degree at that Coborn's since it opened, that would be over four years now, including fairly regularly gassing the auto where that and shopping, in one locale, proved sensible and convenient.

There's a present assistant manager, Tony, who I regularly bump into in the aisles while shopping. He always has a friendly and helpful word, and sometimes wry things to say. He was my helpful information source when the Bank's arrangements were being finalized and construction was going on for the branch in Coborn's.

Coborn's started as a produce vendor in the 1920's. Produce remains the premier product line of the store. As people adjust to healthier diets they notice fresh produce, and Coborn's is top rate and extensive in choice.

Dave in that section is another friendly and helpful person. On mentioning while chatting a problem I encountered with the Little Duke's air line, Dave followed up to assure it was fixed so that checking and keeping tire pressure up each time gassing was not problematic for customers - despite it not being his department, his responsibility. That is a level of customer care beyond other places.

The families experiences with Coborn's have been largely that way, and it is the best thing about Ramsey Town Center. I would say the only good thing, but others have differing opinions. It's a good and customer-friendly store.