
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Am I the only one agreeing with Howard Dean? The man cuts through the BS and gets to the truth. If ...

This link, for the screenshot.

More, this link:

Brown has promised to vote against a healthcare reform bill. The bill has passed both chambers of Congress but would need to pass both again after the House and Senate versions are combined.

Some Democrats have proposed a House-only vote on the Senate's version of the bill, which would obviate the need for it to pass the Senate again. But House Democratic leadership seems reluctant to take up the idea anytime soon.

Dean says Obama should start by simply proposing a bill that allows all Americans over 55 to buy into Medicare. Such a bill could be passed through the Senate with 50 votes, a margin the Democrats can easily muster.

There's not much “real” reform in the Senate bill either way, Dean said.

The former top Democrat added that he believed it would have been better had Democrats only had 59 votes from the start, since it would have forced his party to make tougher choices and push the bill through reconciliation in the first place.

Given Lieberman, (McCain's choice had he not appeased), Dems really did not have sixty. I believe Dean understands that. And there was Stupak throwing the snake on the House table to make the bishops happy and to make an unpalatable Senate provision look less bad, solely by comparison. They are hucksters playing games.

Don't you get the distinct flavor that if the DC Dems really wanted true reform instead of yet another GOP scuttling claim to take to the citizens next election, that they would not this time, again, as they have done time after time, after time, after time ... play the same sorry Hoax ... and that what Dean says that is so crystal clear simple but undone would straightforward be done, and that not doing it means they'd rather have an issue than a reform?

Read this. Tell me how else can you read it but they'd rather posture and bloviate, while positioning things for election day rather than now doing good things for people, and while not angering the hordes of lobbyists that hand out free money, by shamming things around Kabuki theater style, exactly as they have done?

It makes me sick.

Howard Dean should be in the Oval Office.

He's legit.