
Monday, December 21, 2009

The pass anything folks passed something.

Next they will call it a landmark. It is a mess. The House bill was a mess.

What Obama signs will be a mess. He will have a bunch around, hand out memorabilia pens, and the bunch of them will call it a landmark. None will admit it to be a mess, but will, indirectly imply that it was the Republicans alone that were the cause of having to let obstructionist Dems. hold sway. It will be largely true, but will be largely false also. It is shameful that 30,000 additional troops will be funded for a lost war with a corrupt puppet to boot, and it would not surprise me if before the November 2010 election Obama will be calling his "Af-Pak Surge" a landmark.

And the funding for healthcare will be squeezed out by a privatized flat tax arraingement that is obscene, while the Pentagon is brass heavy and will stay that way, while the Genearls will be joining the defense contractors while on their incredible pansions, and the people will continue to be sheep, or worse, Republicans.

Throughout it all one thing was apparent.

The Republicans can only impede progress, and worsen things, and they have been steadfast and united in doing exactly that and little, indeed nothing, else.

The Blue Dogs, the Dem. Senators that vote Dem. on organizing but are otherwise against progress need to be replaced.

Let us hope Ned Lamont has another run in him.

Lieberman is totally worthless. If not Ned Lamont, somebody needs to replace that embarrassing national nuisance. In his own way, he is worse than Rick Santorum. That bad. And that is really, really, really worthless, to be worse than him.