
Monday, December 21, 2009

The most unsettling thing about the Peterson bank wanting a contract extension is that just short of ten million was wasted so a handful could profit.

That entire sewer-water thing, per the Ramsey document pages posted here, cost just short of ten million. Peterson put himself on the hook for six of that, but the document pages clearly say that Ramsey taxpayers ate $3.5 million on it - whether it was paid out of a reserve fund, bonded, or financed some other way, the document does not lie. It was costly, so that Jerry Bauer could cash out the gun club investment and Peterson could roll the dice on the cornfield.

It was and remains a boondoggle of immense proportion, for a town the size of Ramsey.

That and the Town Center, the lack of referenda when tons of cash are spent, the leadership of James Norman, the old gray mayor since retired, the Met. Council diva wanting her legacy, the mess of them are as bad as the pack of DC luminaries that gave us chopped liver instead of healthcare reform.

The mayor and diva, they now have a legacy.

Aside from the Coborns store, name one good thing to say about the "smart growth" this pack of luminaries brought to Ramsey.

Dumb is as dumb does, and did.

May the newbies on council prove better.