
Saturday, December 05, 2009

I have asked the "LawGuru." Nathan, oh, Nathan Hansen, please, oh please, answer my LawGuru question.

Have a legal question? Willing to wait five days for a free answer? From an honest-to-goodness real lawyer? This LawGuru website, with its ask a question option is for you.

And as a matter of consumer protection, I put a simple sample question to the Guru. This screenshot:

My highest and best expectation is that GOP Guru, Nathan Hansen, will give the answer. He's a track record for that, in the past. This screenshot:

I am so eager in anticipation, I can hardly wait -- still, no, I'm not going to pony up good cash for a quicker than five day look-see, and answer.

How about this as a "test question:"

Say that I am an outstanding professional football player in Minnesota, hence privileged beyond ordinary folks, but if given a speeding ticket for over a hundred-miles-per-hour on a Minnesota road; will they be deferential to my being an exceptionally talented and hard-working pro jock, or will they hammer me in ways I never imagined to where I may need a chauffeur for six months or more?

That's another question that could be used to test the bona fide soundness of this thing as something other than a way some lawyers can drum up business -- you know, give the canned blurb, with a you can contact me if you have further questions wrap up; or give the non-answer answer --- call me, pay a retainer, and I will think more about it but it hinges case-by-case on key detail; with a you can contact me if you have further questions wrap up. A trolling-line service - or bird-dogging, i.e., for flushing business out of the bushes into the open where you "can bag them and pluck them."

Not that Hansen does that or uses the service that way. I expect he'd be a fine attorney for someone looking for an attorney - although I have seen most people find one by asking friends, their accountant, etc., and then they get names, recommendations and war stories about I used her for such-and-such.

Divorce lawyers sometimes don't get recommended because human nature is to often think the divorce should have worked out where the other spouse got less of the property.

Hansen has, however, been active in answering LawGuru questions; this being his stat page; so have a look and see the types of questions and answers he fields and responds to. With him being a highly placed GOP party official these days, you can judge him and/or the party; from knowing more about either. So read, learn, think.

NOTE: Some might argue that a more ordinarily phrased question than those I think of would be better for testing the service; something like: I had my oil and filter changed at a SuperDuper-Lube, and on the way home my engine started making funny noises and I pulled over and there was oil all over everywhere dripping on the roadside, now a mechanic says I need a rebuilt engine; so does that mean they did less than a merchantable job at SuperDuper-Lube; and the paper work says they "disclaim liability except for replacement parts and labor" so does this mean I cannot recover the cost to have the thing fixed?

Anyway, have a look at a range of ACTUAL rather than hypothetical question-answer sets for which Hansen [and in some instances other lawyers also] provided responses; this link.