
Sunday, December 06, 2009

Google Wave -- I have been allowed into the product launch at this early time, but have yet to experiment.

Any reader using the product and liking it, please post a comment. Here's a screenshot:

I wonder if I will be getting emails from people seeing that "8 invitations" thing, and saying, "Invite me."

It looks as if some "waves" can be made public. If Adobe pdf docs can be attached that would make the service a good blogging adjunct. Has any reader looked into this?

I also was thinking that Google Docs allows saving personal documents on the web, including in commonly used pdf format; so it should be good if there's a download or read-only way of integrating them. By password sharing a gmail account can be shared, but if you make the password public, all kinds of mischief can result.

However, with the "social networking" paradigm being pushed strongly by Google, I expect that read-only and downloadable sharing of docs will be possible.

If there is any reader with experience using multiple Google free services for sharing docs, w/o allowing public rewrite access where malicious editing or deletions are possible, such a reader is asked to use the comments. At some point, if I figure a good way to integrate the blog and waves, I shall post about it and use it.

I have noted it seems the Google Wave program can populate your wave contact list, presumably by cross referencing your Gmail contacts. It did that, and then I can edit in new entries or edit out some auto-entries.

Is this a glorified instant messaging service in different dressing, or a step forward into something bigger and better? I have read a few of the online reviews, and they don't seem to say much about what it's really good for. I suppose it's like learning to ride a bicycle - learn by doing.