
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Some things are so seriously freightening that they should not be contemplated even as a joke with Halloween almost upon us.

As always, click to enlarge and read.

Original site:

The PayPal bumper sticker chance does not work from the screenshot. You have to log onto the original page.

Email is listed on the original, if you need to get a PO box address or whatever to send a check by snail mail.

I imagine this is the handiwork of some mainland US entrepreneur who knows a bad thing when he sees one, who might do a tee shirt promotion next.

And "bad thing." I mean BAD. I look at that and the thought of it gives me the shakes.

I call it the vomit ticket. The person behind this promotion, besides bumper sticker and tee shirt, should do one of those plastic vomit things that used to be popular, twentieth century, with a Palin-Bachmann-2012 business card size image in the middle. One of these things, modified.

It would be a truth-in-packaging thing after all. Or at least ship the bumper sticker along with one of those airline barf bags. Or the promoter could get together with Avidor at Dumpbachmann, originator of the one-and-only Michele Bachmann Barf bag for any time she makes you want to hurl your cookies. Think of a trifecta offering, a Bachmann barf bag, a Palin one, and the bumper sticker. It's a natural.

Well - it's early morning, I am going for coffee, but to tell the truth - if the thing takes off as popular, moreover profitable, there are likely consequences. Neither Bachmann nor Palin would be expected to be charitable enough to avoid wanting a cut.

Go to that DumpBachmann link, again, here, it is a hoot. Follow a link there. Watch a video if your tummy can take it.