
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Some people are not all windbag talk, but there's action. What's Pawlenty's comparable executive record?

This from the allegedly liberal east coast - specifically Massachusetts. And from as reliable a rightwing outlet as Fox, the Pawlenty appologists cannot impeach their gospel station.

Last week, the governor's office revealed a total of 726 Executive Branch employees had been laid off during four rounds of budget-cutting the past year.

726 jobs trimmed. From state government. Hard times mean shared hardship. All that "conservative" rhetoric.

Okay, how has Gov. Windbag done? The itinerant, is there a speaking engagement in your town maven, Tim Pawlenty - darling of tea bags and tax haters?

Same period, how many of the jobs under his control has he trimmed to keep up with those on the liberal east coast.

Come on you GOP readers - give me the number.

Residual Forces, Let Freedom Ring -- guys, give me a number.

Don't you want a self-annointed presidential candidate who can prove himself as "conservative" a budget master as the Governor of Massachusetts?

Or have you been lying through your teeth all this time? Huh?