
Monday, September 21, 2009

Kathy Tingelstad is a nice person. But she is not worth $87,500 plus benefits. No way.

There's a duel on the web about Tingelstad, who declined to run again for her house seat in the north metro after getting a ration of chickenshit from the local GOP knuckleheads for her veto override vote on the politically motivated Pawlenty transportation tax veto. Then after a period of months took a lobbying job.

First the right wing challenge, read details at this link, the gist being discord and thinly veiled insinuation over Tingelstad's salary as if it were payback for a vote:

There was outrage among Republican Party faithful that GOP lawmakers might go against their Governor and their party on such a key vote. Of the six Republican House members that sided with the Democrats against the Governor, two chose not to run for re-election, two were defeated at the polls, and two won easy re-election.

Of the two who chose not to run, one stepped aside with little fanfare, seeming to willingly accept responsibility for her transgressions. No one suspected that a little more than a year later she would receive an almost $90,000 a year job offer: a plum position with Anoka County—a metro county that would gain tens of millions in additional transit funds with the passage of the bill.

Last week former State Representative Kathy Tingelstad of Coon Rapids was appointed Anoka County’s Chief legislative lobbyist with an annual salary of $87,500 per year. Not exactly Madoff money, but with healthcare, vacation, and an Anoka County credit card, certainly a step up from the $31,140 a year she made as a legislator.

Any skeptic would say this hardly amounts to a payoff. But consider that the Anoka County Board made this appointment without a job posting or candidate search. Was a position with Anoka County a done deal from the day that Representative Tingelstad pushed the “green” button? Or did Representative Tingelstad truly believe that Anoka County needed millions in additional transit funding each year?

There is nothing illegal about what Representative Tingelstad did or the Anoka County Board’s action. However, it is hard to believe this deal wasn’t hardwired. She was looking for a paycheck after she left the legislature and the Anoka County Board seemed more than willing to give her one.

Of that diatribe, the factual content, the nub of things is:

Last week former State Representative Kathy Tingelstad of Coon Rapids was appointed Anoka County’s Chief legislative lobbyist with an annual salary of $87,500 per year. Not exactly Madoff money, but with healthcare, vacation, and an Anoka County credit card, certainly a step up from the $31,140 a year she made as a legislator.

For the Tingelstad appologists, there is this link, stating in relevant part:

In a vile personal attack, Krinkie blatently accused former House Representative Kathy Tingelstad of trading her transportation override vote for an Anoka County job.

Incredible. And frankly, I think Krinkie owes Ms. Tingelstad a public apology.

Former Rep. Tingelstad accepted a position as chief legislative lobbyist for Anoka County recently and she will receive an $87,000 salary -- a significant increase over her compensation as a legislator (but then what private sector policy job wouldn't be).

But, as for Krinkie's accusation that, somehow, this was a quid pro quo deal...well, let's just say the facts don't begin to add up.

Aiming up wind, perhaps, but "vile" is opinion, and again the factual nub of the appologists is:

Former Rep. Tingelstad accepted a position as chief legislative lobbyist for Anoka County recently and she will receive an $87,000 salary -- a significant increase over her compensation as a legislator

There is agreement on the facts, [the applogist left out five hundred bucks of salary the attack piece mentioned along with a plush suite of benefits that might or might not be there]. Certainly the attack piece was more correct in mentioning benefits - raising the question of what the benefit package is, and how much it might be worth - on top of $87.5 grand. More gravy.

More importantly, if any reader thinks Kathy Tingelstad is worth $87,500 per annum plus benefits - please in a comment or email explain why.

She's a nice woman and tried to do her job diligently and in an informed manner while a legislator, and I will not dispute she earned that pay, given that running periodically is a cost off the top for that job, one absent from a lobbying job.

But what makes anyone believe her best effort is in the 90 grand ballpark?

She's smart enough to say "Yes," but that alone is not hitting the 90 grand level. Certainly she will have to wheedle bozo-brained legislators, but then that's what she did for much less, while in that group.

Give me a break. The question of whether the pay level is justified or wasteful was totally blown away by the anti-tax mavens, being too intent to sling accusations than to raise the question a thinking taxpayer would ask - is that wasteful, or wise?

Tingelstad was in the legislature for a decade, never reaching a high leadership position in the GOP, that can be said in her favor. For the county and her district, she pulled her weight, for example being lead author of this bill. That fits with the veto override vote, which one-tune wonder Krinkie continues to bristle over, that being his real basis for wanting to see Tingelstad an outcast. Her steadfast support of Northstar and having the sense, rare in the GOP, that if you want spending on a local pet project you have to raise revenue for it, and that means you either borrow [the Bush and Reagan way putting future generations in hock] or you tax, which is the responsible way to get matching revenue to fund your pet project and everyone else's. There's no bill without back-scratching.

Here is her legislative page, where committee memberships, bills sponsored, and bills authored can be reviewed.

Sponsoring Highway Ten lane expansion, touting Northstar, then voting responsibly to assure funding would exist for the transportation expansion she supported in line with Dan Erhart's views and aims, that is in the resume; and she got a ninety grand job, doing whatever, probably largely continuing what she did while in the legislature; but for three times the pay and without a vote. I am certain that Dan Erhart and many more of the old boys feel she is worth the "recognition" she is receiving. I am equally certain none will be posting a comment under their name explaining the wisdom and reasoning behind the appointment.

Hopefully, her having that job means Tinklenberg Group would not be getting a parallel lobbying contract, for doing the same thing.

______FURTHER UPDATE______
The Minnesota Campaign Finance Board lobbying pages, beginning link here, do not yet show that Tingelstad's been employed, unless I read things wrongly. Did you know that Anoka County had so many lobbyists as shown, here, here and here? It's news to me. It seems wasteful. That's eleven warm bodies unless I miscount, with Lona Schreiber double dipping (for the HRA and the county in general with a William Schreiber for the Rail Authority who might be kin). Are any worth a plugged nickel?